Monday, 14 September 2015

Education- A dream Revolution !

What is the total population of the world? about 7 and a half billion? probably more than that. Can you guess the total number of people who have walked this planet since its inception ? not the monkeys and the apes but evolved beings, humans like you and me. Google says it is about 108 billion. That means 7 percent of all the people who were ever born are living at present. It is soon going to increase up to 10 % by 2020. We are the biggest generation living today. I can still bet you that no 2 people are the same. Not even the identical twins. Humans have this inherent property of DIVERSITY. Studies say we all are different from each other in a minimum of 50 parameters both mental and behavioral. The very nature of humans include diversity and the power of imagination. We all aim to find our own way in life, with education as our guide i doubt if we ever will. Sadly our education system is standardized, i don't say standardizing is wrong, few things like medical test and has to be standardized. But we are not mechanism, we are organism. Human imagination and potential cannot be standardized but be personalized. Like Einstein says " You cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree" 

Our education system, in fact any education system in the world follows the principle of linearity. If one goes through the process with the right spirit and get the right grades, then one is sorted for life. I remember Sir Ken Robinson saying we have built our education model on Fast Food. In the food industry there are fast food where everything is standardized and other food sold in good restaurants where everything is not standardized but are customized according to ones need and taste. We have sold ourselves in to the fast food model and that is suppressing our spirits and potential as the fast food depletes our physical bodies. 

 I hear a lot that the education system is getting reformed but i feel that is not enough. Reformation is mending the broken pieces. We need a REVOLUTION. Erasing the previous system and cultivating a new one. And it is possible. I came across various articles regarding climate control for resources and that is absolutely right. We do need climate control for resources but we also need climate control for human resources which also has the same origin and should be treated with the same urgency. Sir Ken also says the human resource are like natural resource. It is often buried deep under and not lying on the surface. One has to go looking for them with a lot of efforts. They do not appear and no method is common for everyone. Every resource needs a different extraction procedure. We have to create circumstances where they show up themselves. Our education system should be that system which basically creates that climate and the circumstance where an individual is exposed to his core competency and eventually finds his true potential and more over finds the true inner peace. This can only be done with a personalized model of learning. 

Abraham Lincoln on December 1862 at the National congress meet said "The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise WITH the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must dis-enthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country". I like the way he says we must rise WITH the occasion and not TO the occasion. I also like the last statement that we must dis-enthrall ourselves. We are enslaved or rather enthralled to the education system so much that we believe it to be true and carry on not knowing our true selves and educate ourselves to find true purpose and peace. The fundamental element in a revolution is this Dis-enthrallment among the people and hence we can save the country, perhaps the world.   

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