Saturday, 13 October 2012

“The only way to receive something is to give”

We are human beings. The greatest of creation of god…MAN. Bible says god created man after seeing his own image. The whole design of specie called man is a unique one. Population of the world is around 6.5 billion and the most significant and striking fact is that there is not a single human like you in the present nor there was in the past and there won’t be one in the infinite years to come. Every human is unique, original and an immaculate design of the master and hence masterpiece …master’s piece!

I believe the biggest gift of man is the power to determine his attitude, character and emotions. MAN chooses his emotions and once chosen I believe even god cannot take it away. Metamorphic ally there cannot be an apple in an orange tree. It is just not possible.  No human can live in isolation, he seeks company. He needs to share and   thus man & environment are interdependent. The one playing a major role in the environment is the fellow beings called FRIENDS. Many people have numerous connotations to this word. Having said this, I think the most appropriate meaning which everyone would agree in their heart of heart is friend=support. By nature we are all creepers in the sense, we urge to come forward in life and just make it big and every creeper does not grow on the strength of its own roots but depends on a strong tree. The tree provides scaffolding and it just whirls around it and flourishes. The growth does not depend on the number of supports but it depends on immense bonding of the tree and the creeper.

In the present time, FRIENDS are no longer a support but has become a utility value. It does come straight but just give it thought. The capability of a person finds a good friend of the same caliber. Be it any of the organization or any friend group the underperformers are always good friends, have you noticed?   Think. The top performers are very rarely good friends. Ok I understand they will behave as good friends but in their heart they will never be. This is because the top performers need no support from each other anymore and are self sustained.   By achieving success they miss out on meaningful friendships which I believe is the only reason to cherish in the future .imagine will Aamir Khan need support from Shah Rukh khan?  no. They both are doing well individually. They may need support in everything other than acting and cinema. 

“The only way to receive something is to give”. If u want to be loved, u have to love people. If u want to be happy, you have to be a cause of happiness. If u wish to have GOOD FRIENDS, u should respect and value the friendship of others. Just retrospect, how many relationships have been broken on such petty reasons. I know people having a 10 year old relation and they separate because they expect something which the other can’t fulfill. Countless people around break a good and a healthy friendship for the so called arrival of partner in their lives and in the selection of a career.  Lame reason, silly isn’t it? His/her choice u as a friend can only support or enrich it... and  I mean how many people start a friendship thinking he/she will be of some use and after being used find reasons to fall apart. Is this all ‘friendship’ about? Remember, friends can face any storm, cross all barriers, leap beyond the mundane …. Yet together!!

 I am petrified about the friendship falling   apart ….there is always fear & doubt, whether he/she not leave me and go? What will I get in return if the friendship sustains? How will the world look at us? OMG!! The latter is a great problem in today’s world as to how to satisfy the world. Are we so dependent on the world? I mean how much should it matter? Does everybody asks us and takes their decision? Y should we bother about the world, and care about their gossip? I have witnessed and can guarantee if the bond is strong enough (between US) then no one and none of the other accusations will ever affect us. 

Ostensibly nowadays relationships are traded on materialistic pleasures. Countless people try hard to please a rich person or a highly influential people. Either to spend their money or to be protected in conflicts. Ridiculous isn’t it? There is only one question allowed in a relationship, how many creepers have you supported? That’s it….everything else will fall in place. Loneliness followed by regret is the worst feeling ever. Those who have experienced it know the value of a support. Friend is indeed a spring board to march ahead, sour high, reach the top!!!


Sunday, 30 September 2012

And the 1st blog is here ......!!!!

Here goes my first post. 
A very profound learning I had a couple of days back when I went to school and the teacher and the principal together was trying hard to transfer sum knowledge and wisdom to the poor child through innumerable protocols. I having observed al that came back home eased into my chair learnt something so true and a paradox in itself.

"The one who actually needs an advice never gets it on the first go when it is given" but the one who is well aware of the advice beforehand overhears and feels ‘yea what he is saying is right.’ Have you noticed, when your teacher or your parents or any of the elders give a piece of advice n you feel like kicking him, isn’t it?  This is not because what they said was untrue but that it was not your right time to get that advice. For any advice to receive time places a key role. Many times it happens when u remember those words told few decades back, and we start thinking  and realizing how true it was and think  “had I learnt it that time I wouldn’t be suffering right now”  great awareness steps in !!  But  its late …  and hence the human predicament deals with this profound learning to put this metamorphic ally if u don’t buy a worthy house when it was to be bought (the cost was low and a good future appreciation) some day in future won’t u think about it and regret ? Am sure u will.

I have walked in this planet for more than 2 decades now and nothing in these 20 years has ever yielded me anything like a normal human being should have. Everything that I got or lost was always a bizarre mystery to me, like some ‘oh freak !’ moment, I say – ‘I never thought this would happen like this !’ and since birth and till recent  years I have been  an arrogant advice- repellent boy.!! Neither had I advised anybody nor did I like anyone advising me. Ergo now, as little wisdom dawns, I know the value of an advice. As Dr. Abdul Kalam says “it’s never too late to learn in life” .This is been etched into my DNA ever since I have started to regret. Regret as we know by nature is a very unhealthy feeling and has the potential to destroy all the self confidence u have accumulated over the time. Better late than never!!

Will be back with a new one soon …
